120L Wheely Bin & Maxi-Enzyme beer line cleaner
Wheely bin for mixing and siphoning Maxi-Enzyme beer line cleaner.
A simple way to siphon the diluted enzymatic cleaner using the existing FloJet beverage pumps of your beer system.
If your venue has FloJet beer pumps, you can connect a drop lead from the wash out line directly onto the stainless steel spike, the FloJet pumps are able to pump up to 4.5M, so it will easily siphon the mixed Maxi-Enzyme Beer Line Cleaner from the 'wheely bin' up to the taps.
We have decalled the bins with weights of measure down the front and a clearly marked 'THIS BIN IS FOR BEER LINE CLEANING' on the lid...so its not used as a bin.
INCLUDES 20L Maxi-Enzyme Beer Line Cleaner